Tanpa sengaja saya mencari – cari modul untuk tambahan website prestashop, akhirnya saya menemukan suatu forum yang langsung menyajikannya secara lengkap. Kita tinggal mendownloadnya saja sesuai dengan kebutuhan kita.
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Berikut ini adalah kumpulan modul lengkap untuk prestashop:ACCESS TO SITEDialogKutesan
HEREAuthor: Kutesan – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module displaying a warning page and conditions before entering the site.
Maintenance & Newsletter
HEREAuthor: Cegiel – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module blocking access to the shop and to the newsletter subscription.
Multi-Range Ip Blocker
HEREAuthor: Trip – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module to block and redirect certain IP addresses
HERE and version 2
HEREAuthor: Hieloiceberg
Horizontal navigation bar.
HEREAuthor: Hieloiceberg
Navigation bar type sliding mootools.
HEREAuthor: DaYmo
Vertical drop down menu.
HEREAuthor: Mdi51
Vertical drop down menu.
HEREAuthor: Zola2
Vertical drop down menu.
JQuery Sliding Navigation
HEREAuthor: Amwdesign
Vertical sliding menu.
Categories Accordion Sliding Block
HEREAuthor: Rocky
Displays a vertical menu that unfolds like an accordion.
Categories Custom Menu
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob
Menu configurable in the admin module.
HORIZONTAL MENUCategories as tabs
HEREAuthor: Cegiel – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module displaying categories as a menu based on jQuery Droppy.
Horizontal Categories –
HEREAuthor: Whitelight
Css horizontal drop down menu.
Horizontal Category Menu
HEREAuthor: Sperio
Css horizontal menu.
Horizontal Navigation Bar
HEREAuthor: Alpha Media
Module to have a horizontal menu categories.
Horizontal Menu
HEREAuthor: Julien Breux – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to add a horizontal menu at the default theme Prestashop.
Horizontal menu with various categories
HEREAuthor: Maxhome – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module adapted from horizontal menu categories as tabs Cegiel.
CLASSES IN HOMECategories frontpage
HEREAuthor: Amwdesign
Module displaying categories in the center of the homepage.
EDITORIALEditorial Youtube
HERE – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Author: Hieloiceberg
Module displaying a Youtube video to replace the image module editorial.
Adaptation Module for Editorialyoutube Dailymotion
HEREAuthor: Danni – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Editorial Module modified for display instead of the image slideshows based on jQuery s3Slider.
HEREAuthor: Sealence – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module displays an image gallery based on jQuery GalleryView.
MGC Home Products Carousel
HEREAuthor Mtor – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module scrolling gallery product home page based on jCarousel with jQuery.
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob
Module displaying a carousel of images as a slideshow based on jCarousel with jQuery.
Linkslidetext and Linkslide
HEREAuthor: Kevlarbox – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Modules slideshow settings in the admin (multilingual text and images) based on s3Slider and Cross-Slide.
HEREAuthor: Mudplanet – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to display a random image slider according to the category.
SlideShow in Home Page
HEREAuthor: Vassag0 – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module displays a slideshow based on CrossSlide with jQuery on the homepage.
KEY PRODUCTSFeatured Products Flash [ADSGM5]
HEREAuthor: sistemas GCCS – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module displaying featured products with a flash slideshow.
Homefeatured amended [homefeatured & homefeatured2]
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob
Module Products headlights with magnification of the image overview.
HomePageFeatured amended
HEREAuthor: Nommam
Allows you to choose the type of sort for the display of key products, choice of price display and buttons.
HEREAuthor: Illutic – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Displays quirky way of leading products in all objects or class.
Home Featured and New Products SlideShow
HEREAuthor: Vassag0
Module displaying featured products or new products with a slide show based on Start / Stop Slider.
Home Featured Carousel
HEREAuthor: Ozcanar
Displays key products as a carousel in flash.
Slide Featured Products
HEREAuthor: eCartService
Module displaying featured products with a slideshow based on JonDesign’s SmoothGallery2.0.
Featured Home Moving Boxes
HEREAuthor: eCartService
Module displaying featured products with jQuery.
FOOTERFooter Data IT
HEREAuthor: Disarci
Module allows the addition of images and html code in the footer.
HEREAuthor: eCartService
Module to add content without editing the header file header.tpl.
POP UPMessage Pop Up
HEREAuthor: Vassag0 – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module displaying a popup based on the script for jQuery jGrowl.
PAGE PEELCornerPubli
HEREAuthor: Perrotekel – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module displaying a page peel effect in flash animated on the upper right edge.
Top Page Peel
HEREAuthor: Jolvil – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module displaying a page peel effect in flash animated on the upper right edge.
Page Peel Block
HEREAuthor: Kazakh-woman – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module displaying a page peel effect on the simple upper right edge.
HEREAuthor: Hieloiceberg
Module displaying a block with languages and currencies menu.
Dropdown Languages
HEREAuthor: Vinoalvino
Module displaying the choice of language in the form of flags down.
Menu for currencies
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob
Module displaying currency in the form of menu.
BLOCK MANUFACTURERSModule manufacturers logos / trademarks
HEREAuthor: Dd21
Module manufacturers modified to display the image of the manufacturer.
HERE and
HEREAllows inserting html code in a block.
BLOCK INFOBlock & Information menu
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to display a menu of other links on the cms you have created.
Block sorted information
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
+ Module hack to display and sort the links of CMS.
BLOCK LINKSBlock updated link
HEREAuthor: Diego
Module modified to display different links depending on the language.
Blocklink and Blockfooterlink
Modules changed links.
BLOCK LOGO OF PAYMENTLogo block payment with item number CMS choices
HEREAuthor: Mudplanet – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to select via the administration section number associated CMS.
BLOCK MY ACCOUNTBlock My Account Custom
HEREAuthor: Nommam – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module modified to display a box to enter login and password if the user is offline.
BLOCK NEWSLETTERBlock Newsletter with add text
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Newsletter Module modified to add a text from the admin.
Block Newsletter invisible if already registered user login
HEREAuthor: Mudplanet – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module changed with option to not appear if the user is already registered.
BLOCK NEW PRODUCTSBlock New Products invisible if no new products
HEREAuthor: Mudplanet – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module changed with option to not appear if no new products.
New Bloc modified products
HEREAuthor: SotEW – Compatibility: PS 1.0 – PS 1.1
Displays a block with promotional images superimposed.
PROMOTION PACKBlock Specials Carousel
HEREAuthor: Olecorre
Displays a block with a promotion vertical carousel
+ Adjustment for new products by Legh.
Bulk discounts invisible if no promotion
HEREAuthor: Mudplanet – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module Block specials changed with option to not appear if no promotion.
Hot Price Countdown
HERE and
HERE corrected
Author: Rod
Block with countdown for promotion.
HEREAuthor SotEW – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module to configure ad space in several locations.
Module advertising amended
HEREAuthor Tex73 – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Advertising module modified to display the image in a block.
Randomly Displayed Adverts and Callouts
HEREAuthor: Ecartservice
Module displaying advertisements so quirky.
Management of advertisements dressing site
HEREAuthor: Aurelgadjo
Management module wrapping advertisements page.
SEARCH BLOCKAdvanced Search Module
HEREAuthor: Szazman – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module search changed to Advanced Search.
Autocomplete Search Suggest
HEREAuthor: Dscho – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Add suggestions for research.
Module search enhanced by original
HEREAuthor: Vinoalvino
Module allowing research on choice (home, manufacturers, tag).
Quick Search Block
HEREAuthor: Joshuajarman
Module search modified to be placed in footer.
Search-by-module Attribute frontpage
HEREAuthor: Tarentil
Module allows you to search by attribute.
BLOCK RSSBlock RSS Web 2.0 / Social Bookmarks
HEREAuthor: dlani [Mend's]
Module displaying icons and links to social sites.
HEREAuthor: Germanoufo
Adds a contact block Skype.
Other module Skype ICI Alexj1972.
Yahoo Block Status
HEREAuthor: Ggedamed – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module ID showing the status of Yahoo employees on your site.
MSN Chat
HEREAuthor: Shack – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module displaying a block MSN Messenger chat.
Hab.la Chat module
HEREAuthor: Vectran
Help Center Live
HEREAuthor: dlani [Mend's]
Online Support with Help Center Live.
Online Support
HEREAuthor: Hieloiceberg
Block online support.
PSE LiveZilla
HEREAuthor: PShopExpert – PS 1.1 Compatibility
Chat module for creating an online support in the shops PrestaShop.
Yahoo Messenger Onlinehelp
HEREAuthor: Ginno
This module informs if you’re online or not ID your Yahoo account.
Yahoo Messenger online help Pingbox
HEREAuthor: Mrdeath
BLOCK TAGTag Block List
HEREAuthor: Vinoalvino
Module displays a menu with tags.
PS_Cumulus Tag Cloud
HEREAuthor: Ecartservice – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module displaying a block tag cloud flash based on WP-Cumulus.
BLOCK USERUser Info block
HEREAuthor: Anh Nga
Module displaying a block with user info, login.
VARIOUS BLOCKSColumn 2 Pack Editor
HEREAuthor: Hieloiceberg
Allows for viewing and editing blocks Extra.
Block Address
HEREAuthor: Guts – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module to display the coordinates of the shop within a block or in the footer.
Block calculator
HEREModule displaying a block with a calculator in flash.
Block Google Map
HEREAuthor: Alexj1972
Module displaying a block with Google Map.
Block Google Translate
HEREAuthor: Cdilouya
Module displaying a block with Google Translate for translation. Do not allow the buying process.
Block Themes
HEREAuthor: Pierre-Yves
Displays a block allowing the visitor to choose the topic they wish.
HEREAuthor: Disarci
Displays a block allowing the visitor to choose the topic they wish.
Block User Online
HEREAuthor: Anh Nga – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Displays a block with information about visitors: number of connected IP …
And Jukebox
HEREAuthor: Ezytrader
Displays a block with an mp3 player.
Flash Clock & Calendar
HEREAuthor: Ginno
Displays a clock and a calendar in flash.
Other clock module
HEREAuthor: Basar67
Module displaying a block with a counter.
Proddoti in Arrivo
HEREAuthor: Alexj1972
Module displaying a html file in a scrolling block using a Java applet.
Security Seal Block
HEREAuthor: Ion_Cannon
Module displaying a block safety.
Simple Poll
HEREAuthor: Vani – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module displaying a block with an opportunity to vote and display the results of voting.
Twitter Connect
HEREAuthor: Delara – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to display a widget Twitter Connect.
Visitors Online
HEREAuthor: Jolvil – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Displays columns or footer in a small bar with the number of visitors online.
EXPANSION OF IMAGEProduct Image Magnify
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Expansion module for the overview of the product image in the product listing.
HEREAuthor: Yvanb
Contribution. PrettyPhoto, replacing the original thickbox.
HEREAuthor: Yvanb
Contribution. Enlarging images, GCS, block information based on ZoomBox with jQuery instead of Thickbox.
PRODUCT SHEETContact Product
HERE for PS 1.0 and PS 1.1 for suitable
HEREAuthor: Julien Breux
Module allows customers to contact you about a product.
PDF documents linked
HEREAuthor: Pdriss – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Contribution to allow customers to download PDF documents linked to a product sheet. Post # 53.
Extra Tabs
HEREAuthor: Suleman Marghoob
Adds a tab on the product sheet with tabs in and ability to display a page of CMS.
Interested in this product
HEREAuthor: Al_x – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to ask a question about a product by sending a form.
Also Buy Products
HEREAuthor: Trip
Module displaying in the form of a product of products that customers have purchased this product.
Product Question
HEREAuthor: dlani [Mend's]
Module allows customers to contact you about a product.
Product attributes as radio buttons and checkboxes
HEREAuthor: Rocky
Module displaying attributes in a table with radio buttons.
PFS Product Tag
HEREAuthor: Pierre-Yves
Module displaying tags on the product description.
Check Stock PSF
HEREAuthor: Pierre-Yves
Module to not display a product whose stock is 0.
Rating of Products
HEREAuthor: dlani [Mend's] – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module allows the customer to rate a product with stars on the fact sheet.
Related Products
HEREAuthor: CYTechnologies – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module displays in a tab similar products based on tags.
SWF & PDF produced by language and
HEREAuthor: Pdriss
Contribution to add via the BO PDF files and / or SWF files by language in the product.
Vizzup: Commentary video
HEREAuthor: Lionel Guichard
Allows the customer to add a video in a tab of the sheet product.
Vizzup: Product v0.1 video
HEREAuthor: Lionel Guichard
Module allows to display a video with Thickbox in a sheet product.
Vote this Product
HEREAuthor: Vinoalvino
CARTShow or not the basket for each product
HEREAuthor: Hans
Contribution to power or not display the basket for each product.
Budget Plan
HEREAuthor: Disarci
Module adding a link in the basket for printing.
Separate TAX
Module adding the fees in the summary of the order (cart).
Shipping Estimate
HEREAuthor: Aaron @ Geocachestore
Module to display an estimate of shipping in the basket in Ajax.
HEREAuthor: Pixelgeeks
Contribution adding a page that allows a registered user to leave a comment.
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to take testimony on its website in a block and a page.
CMSCMS Restrictions by Group
HEREAuthor: Swguy – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Contribution to display pages based CMS groups.
Google Map for CMS
HEREAuthor: Disarci
Module to display a Google Map on any page of CMS.
Upload images from CMS
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Contribution to upload images when writing articles for the CMS.
HEREAuthor: Mandrake – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Adding a captcha on the contact form.
Contact page – Captcha
HEREAuthor: Cybersteph – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Adding a captcha on the contact form.
Captcha Cybersteph of amended
HEREAuthor: Maxhome – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Adding a captcha on contact form with added voice and refresh.
REGISTRATION / ACCOUNTCustomer Registration Management
HEREAuthor: Ningu
Allows validation of entries in the Back Office.
Confirm Privacy
HEREAuthor: Christoph Gruber
Acceptance of privacy policy on the registration page.
Registration with email confirmation
HEREAuthor: Alexj1972
Contribution to dispatch an email confirmation of registration for the customer.
FaceBook Connect
HEREAuthor: Pierre-Yves – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module gives the ability to connect to store access via FaceBook.
Iron Order
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Contribution to the customer to board a command from his account.
TERMINALFront Office Admin
HEREAuthor: Pierre-Yves – Compatibility: PS 1.0 – PS 1.1
Allows access to the admin product directly through the front sheet produced by the administrator.
Comments enhanced product
HEREAuthor: Benoth
Feedback module with the addition of the product name and commented link to the product in the admin.
Delete Test Orders
HEREAuthor: Shaiss – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module to delete test orders.
HEREAuthor: MonDeveloper
Adds a tab in Soundtrack for erasing a proper command of the database.
Order History
HEREAuthor: Julien Breux
Module to a command history without using the database.
Printing label
HEREAuthor: – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module that allows for the back office to print shipping address in the form of a label pdf.
Mass Update Module
HEREAuthor: Dtbaker
Module to change the prices of products in a list.
Cleaning tables before putting into production
HEREAuthor: WhiteSpirit – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module to clean the table by selecting the empty tables in admin.
Tab empty the cache Smarty
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Contribution to empty the cache of Smarty from a tab in the admin.
HEREAuthor: Julien Breux – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Module dashboard Prestashop to centralize and share information.
HEREAuthor: Sylv – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module displaying a widget desktop with the latest orders on your site.
PSE Back Office Menu
HEREAuthor PshopExpert – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Improves Back Office menu by adding drop-down menus.
HEREAuthor: Szazman – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module limiting payment options depending on the mode of transportation.
HEREAuthor: Xavier La Garanderie – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to restrict payment methods depending on the carrier selected.
HEREAuthor: Xavier La Garanderie – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to assign carriers to a class of carriers.
HEREAuthor: Julien Breux – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module to connect as a client. Access to the account of customers of the shop.
Sorts categories
HEREAuthor: sarih – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to sort the categories manually.
AFFILIATIONAffiliates For All
HEREAuthor: Swiftlemur – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Affiliate Module based on Affiliates for All.
NEWSLETTERSend Newsletter Tab
HEREAuthor: dlani [Mend's] – Compatibility: PS 1.1
Adds a tab in the BO which makes creating and sending emails to customers on the mailing list.
HEREAuthor: Mannybiker
Module works as an interface between Prestashop and phplist.
STATISTICSBest Rated Products
HERE (post # 90)
Author: Zenith
Statistics Module for Module Rating of Products.
Statshome amended
HEREAuthor: Zenith – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module statshome modified to display the more baskets and visitors.
HEREAuthor: Raph59 – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module to see the exact path of your visitors during the given period.
HEREAuthor: Jiropole
BankWire amended
HEREAuthor: Elohimran
Module bank transfer with more bank logo, link to the bank …
Bill Me Latter
Cash On Pickup
HEREAuthor: TropischBruin – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module to the cash payment to the kidnapping.
HEREAuthor: Mdi51
Payment module EuroInformation CIC – Crédit Mutuel.
Administrative warrant
HEREAuthor: Zorg
Module for payment by administrative mandate.
Money Gram
HEREAuthor: Shack – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module for payment with Money Gram.
Offline Credit Card
HEREAuthor: OX40
Module to the card payment offline with the trader’s own system.
Offline CreditCard + Show Parcels Module
HEREAuthor: Ehinarr
Module for payment card with offline payment several times.
Pay By Phone
HEREAuthor: Batevladi – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module for the payment by phone.
2Checkout Payment
HEREAuthor: Awdesign
HEREAuthor: Thesee
Module to accept payments with Moneybookers.
Payment Confirmation Module
HEREAuthor: Pinglebell
Module allows the customer to enter information about payment.
Paypal adapted for multiple sites
HEREAuthor: Alexkid – Compatibility: PS 1.1
To use a PayPal account with several shops.
Paypal with Paypal Fees
HEREAuthor: Francisco Carlão – PS 1.1
Paypal Module amended to add fees for Paypal customers.
Paypal Secure
HEREAuthor: Neodreamer
Module by Paypal Secure encrypted form.
Paysite Cash
HEREModule secure payment by credit card.
HEREAuthor: Meandmypresta
ATOS module for CyberPlus / Banque Populaire Elysnet / CCF Agricultural E-Transactions/Crédit Elysnet / Mercanet HSBC / BNP ScelliusNet / La Banque Postale Sherlock / LCL Sogenactif / Societe Generale WebAffairs / Crédit du Nord.
Pay System
HEREAuthor: Piwi East sarl
Module developed for the Internet payment of the Banque Populaire / Natixis
Table Reservation
HEREAuthor: Ehinarr
Payment module to reserve a table at the restaurant.
Ticket Surf
HEREAuthor: Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module that allows you to pay by Surfing Ticket (ticket-surf.com).
Visa Mobile Pay
HEREAuthor: Ehinarr – PS 1.2 Compatibility
Module sms payment.
Western Union
HEREAuthor: Shack – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module for payment with Western Union.
HEREAuthor: Jason Lee
EXPORTExport catalog in XML format
HEREAuthor: kidsinhalf
Module to export a catalog in XML format.
Export of items (XLS)
HEREAuthor: Boby Style & Natsu – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module for exporting products to XLS format.
Export to Expinet Post
HEREAuthor: Milhouse
Module which exports the information to a command to Expinet (Software Post).
Export Orders
HEREAuthor: Whitelight
Module Export orders in CSV format.
Export to LeGuide
HEREAuthor: M1bs
Export module for Leguide.com and other comparators.
Export of Articles
HEREAuthor: Boby Style – Compatibility: PS 1.1 – PS 1.2
Module for exporting the items.
Link Up
HEREAuthor: Magavenue
Module to have your shop Prestashop on your Facebook profile.
Synchronization ICEcat
HEREAuthor: Kleversoft
The module IceCats PrestaShop is a modular script for you to use the platform ICEcat (
http://icecat.fr). ICEcat is a product database open, and this module will therefore help you to automatically retrieve the product info (images and data information) from the catalog icecat.biz. Very useful so if your products are referenced.
* PS 1.1
* PS 1.2
Export Product Module –
HEREAuthor: lmwood
This module allows to export its products in a catalog. Csv file.
* Selecting fields to export by simple drag & drop
* Organization of the order of appearance in the field. Csv file
* Storing the preset export
* Intuitive and ergonomic interface
* Choice of languages as possible
* Choice of delimiting characters possible
* PS 1.2
Export reviews –
HEREAuthor: Boby Style
Module allowing the export of the database client. Txt format.
HEREAuthor: AnimeCYC
Module to manage shipments with UPS.
MISCELLANEOUSGoogle Meta Tag Verify
HEREAuthor: Cegiel – Compatibility: PS 1.2
Module that adds code to check Google.
HEREAuthor: Fernando Greiffo
Source: http://prestaportal.com/thread-582.html
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